They won't have the preteen trait until they are instanced in so make sure you either play the household or visit them so they can load in. I fixed the issue with NPCs not turning into preteens.
If they live healthy, their skin looks better when they are old. If your sim sunbathes a lot, smokes or drinks (-> Basemental Drugs mod), they age faster. You're able to disable this notification in the Config File or through the Preteen Settings Pie menu. So, what I am talking about is a mod that causes actual wrinkles on sims skin, like in real life. The startup notification also says the current mod version which makes mod support easier. Startup Notification: I added a startup notification with a link to the discord server for support & also a link to the mods info page. We’ve put together a great list of sims 4 cc skins for you to pick from. You'll also be able to shrink sims down to preteen height (even works if they aren't preteens) & reset them to their normal height. Preteen Base Settings Pie Menu: This is where you'll have the option to add/remove the preteen trait. It also has a 'Current Settings' interaction that lists out the current settings. Config Settings Pie menu: This allows you to change various settings such as the chance of having dry skin, Agespan length, Enabling Aging, Toggling the Startup Notification.